The Man Who Little Birds Love

It was a sunny Saturday afternoon in September 2015 that i first saw him on TV in a restaurant somewhere in central Lagos, ironically on a station that was notorious of being dismissive of his campaign - CNN. The news report was on how he is trailing behind his major opponent by over 30 points. "who is he, this Bernie Sanders guy?", i turned to ask my friend. "dunno" he shrugged Prior to my first hearing/sighting of Bernie Sanders, i wasn't overtly interested in the US election primaries or any political movement at all. I had a slight distant fondness for Hillary, a woman trying trying to make history, sounds good. I equally had a lil respect for the apprentice guy, didn't know much bout him, but he sounded like a go-getter. I didn't care much about who will eventually win. In a couple of weeks all this changed. I started following the US elections more closer. The more i read about Bernie Sanders, the more i came to love him. The more...