Thank You For The Music 2017

Hi Xiora, 2017 is almost coming to an end on planet earth but I know you are guys are light years ahead of us high up there on planet Mars, literally and figuratively. It’s been one crazy ride this year and so much has happened but in this letter i’ll focus only on the music. I know you like to argue that Planet Mars makes better music than Planet Earth but this year’s music discography from Planet earth blows that arguments to smitherings. I mean we have U2, Kendrick Lamar, Adam and the Levines, er I mean Maroon 5 and Kelly Clarkson here on earth. What do you guys have? I mean do you guys even dance up there with all the hiding from humans y’all keep doing? I know we have a few music artistes here that have Mars attached to their name (Bruno mars, 30 seconds to Mars) but don’t let that get to your head, they only do it because it to sound cool. Bruno Mars rings better than Bruno Earth I have to admit. Anyway, here’s the shit, you know I'm admittedly addicted to mu...